Ashton Cigars



The original release in the Ashton portfolio transcends decades as a world-renowned cigar. Ashton is handmade from only the finest aged tobaccos in a legendary benchmark for mild Dominican taste. Seasoned connoisseurs and new cigar lovers share an immeasurable fondness for Ashton.

Ashton Small Cigars

Ashton Small Cigars

Ashton Small Cigars deliver tremendous taste in a collection of traditional cigarillos made from premium Dominican fillers beneath a Cameroon wrapper. Notes of cocoa, nutmeg, and wood culminate with a touch of zest.

Ashton VSG

Ashton VSG

Ashton Virgin Sun Grown conveys a masterful profile of leather, earth, wood, and espresso bean notes. A lustrous Ecuador Sumatra wrapper harbors a hearty all-Dominican interior of long fillers that resonate in a marvelous finish rated 94 points.