Aganorsa Leaf expanded their renowned "tobacco adjectives" series in 2021 by introducing the aptly named Rare Leaf Reserve cigar. This exceptional cigar showcased unique tobaccos sourced from carefully selected lots on Aganorsa's finest farms throughout Nicaragua. Due to the limited availability of these exquisite leaves, the cigars were exclusively offered through Aganorsa's top retail accounts, ensuring a consistent supply of what can be described as a cigar of limited-edition caliber.
Responding to numerous requests from enthusiasts after two years of the Rare Leaf's initial launch, Aganorsa unveiled the Rare Leaf Reserve Maduro cigar as the complementary counterpart.
The Aganorsa Leaf Rare Leaf Reserve Maduro cigar presents a deep and intricate profile, delivering enduring flavors that come with an intriguing intensity on the palate. Anticipate a medium to full body, featuring bold notes of earth, chocolate graham cracker, cinnamon, and the enticing essence of dark Mexican spices during the retrohale.