The Magnum R line features an exclusive Rosado Sun Grown wrappeer, culled from the lower primings of fine Ecuadorian tobacco plants and aged nearly a decade. It is these rare and delicate wrapper leaves that create this complex, balanced smoke. The Magnum R cigar appeals to cigar lovers who enjoy a creamier and smoother cigar experience without sacrificing the flavor. With a distinctive sweet finish and elegant, complex undertones, this cigar is another Fuente classic.
"At the time, many manufacturers in the premium sector were releasing strong, full-bodied cigars. Carlos 'Carlito' Fuente Jr. decided to go in the opposite direction and made a cigar that was medium bodied in strength, but still registered as full-flavored on the palate—not an easy task. He accomplished this by creating a particular blend of Dominican tobaccos and pairing it with a wrapper leaf from Ecuador that, according to Fuente, has almost a decade of age."