Cohiba Cigars

Cohiba Black

Cohiba Black

An espresso of a cigar with a deep, lustrous wrapper, Cohiba Black consistently delivers rich, concentrated flavor. Made with tobaccos aged for at least three years, this is the go-to cigar for those who revel in the indulgent.

Cohiba Blue

Cohiba Blue

With Cohiba Blue, the artisans crafted the best that Honduras has to offer. The blend commences with a creamy, palate-pleasing Honduran wrapper. Next, they deepen the experience by adding savory, yet mellow Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos that complement the wrapper brilliantly. Lastly, the cigar is finished with an earthy Honduran binder that creates a creamy, yet savory smoking experience that’s sure to have people coming back for more.

Cohiba Connecticut

Cohiba Connecticut

Cohiba’s thoughtful artisans begin this show-stopping blend with an impressive Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. It’s sophisticated and mellow flavor is anything but overwhelming. Next, the wrapper is thoughtfully merged with creamy Brazilian, Dominican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos, that add a necessary depth to the flavor profile. Lastly, the blend is finished off with a subtle, yet spicy Mexican binder giving this cigar a flavor profile that turns any smoking occasion into a celebration.

Cohiba Nicaragua

Cohiba Nicaragua

From the artisans of Cohiba comes the brand's first Nicaraguan cigar. Blended with the finest hand-selected leaves from the volcanic soils of Estelí and Jalapa, Cohiba Nicaragua is full in flavor and intricately balanced. This is a rich, creamy smoke peppered with bold notes of spice, ideal for any occasion that calls for a fine, handmade cigar.

Cohiba Red Dot

Cohiba Red Dot

Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the world's finest cigars. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba is the product of masterful blending. Featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos aged under the watchful eyes of our artisans, Cohiba is a dimensional, slightly-spicy smoke created for the initiated.

Cohiba Serie M

Cohiba Serie M

The Cohiba Serie M cigar brings new meaning to a hand-rolled cigar. Unlike in other countries where cigar makers work in teams, the cigarmakers in Florida personally create each cigar from start to finish with their names on every single box they make.