Diesel Crucible
Forged in the volcanic soils of Nicaragua, Crucible is Diesel's newest limited-edition, premium hand rolled cigar with a one-of-a-kind strength, spice, and story.
Diesel Esteli Puro
A one-of-a-kind cigar that took more than three years to produce, Diesel Estelí Puro is a bold, complex smoking experience that embodies the spirit of Estelí Nicaragua.
Diesel Sunday Gravy
Handcrafted at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua, and blended by AJ and Justin Andrews, Diesel Sunday Gravy is the first launch in this seasonal-release cigar series with a mouth-watering blend called San Marzano.
Diesel Whiskey Row
A bold collaboration between Rabbit Hole Distillery and master cigar blender A.J. Fernandez, Diesel Whiskey Row is a first for Diesel as well as A.J., perfecting a process that imparts a flawless amount of Rabbit Hole Bourbon flavor and aroma into the tobacco.
Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask is our follow-up cigar to the highly acclaimed Diesel Whiskey Row line.