Now the world can smoke an El Septimo Cigar designed and dedicated for each day of the week. Each cigar is dedicated to a famous painter who has created some of the world’s most famous pieces of artwork. Medium-bodied cigars come in more traditional sizes, including the Toro, Robusto, Lancero, Torpedo, Eagle, Salomon, and even the Royal Salomon. Cigars are aged for ten years, and we’ve even introduced a Sampler Box for you, so that you can try all seven blends at once!
The Salvador Dali cigar is a 6″ x 54 Toro dedicated to Christ of Saint John of the Cross. It represents the fifth day of creation when God created the creatures of the sea and the birds. This 6.5×54 stick features a dark chocolate, oily firmly packed wrapper with a fine tooth, large double cap and rich sweet musty cocoa aroma. First light reveals a perfect draw with lid-medium notes of a sweet coffee that goes to a cherry on the finish. The first third quickly goes to a medium body with the flavors of a coffee cake. Sweet, vanilla, mild coffee and bready, all on a long finish with a perfect burn. The 1/2 way point comes at a long 45 minutes dropping a solid ash with no flavor shifts. Ending at 1:25 the last third continued the perfect slow burn with the sweetness dying down, the coffee coming up and a nice leather joining in to the nub.