La Galera's latest release is the Imperial Jade, wrapped in Cameroon seed tobacco grown throughout Cameroon.
Cameroon wrapper cigars are few and far between, and not without good reason. The seed for this type of tobacco is disease prone, low yield, and produced in Cameroon; a Central African Republic that lacks experienced producers and knowledgeable personnel for pickling, curing, and classifying the tobacco.
The lack of tobacco know-how in Cameroon means extra work for companies like La Galera. When the tobacco is received it must go through additional processes, making sure the tobacco is up to the standard that they require it to be before they even think of putting it in one of their cigars.
To make working with Cameroon even more of a challenge, the wrapper is wafer-thin and stiff, making it a nightmare to handle.
The final product is something that, like the imperial jade, is alluring, enticing, smooth to the touch, and irresistible to look at.