For the cigar aficionado, a description from the maker, Jonathan Drew, founder of Drew Estate: The Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented cigar is a 100% long-filler, premium cigar made totally by hand in very small batches at Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua. This historic cigar features a barrel-fermented-, tapa-negra-style wrapper over a Mexican San Andres base wrapper, as well as aged Nicaraguan Filler tobaccos, personally selected by me. It is the perfect choice for pairing with any of the Van Winkle bourbon and rye products.
The strength level of the Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Cigar is "Medium Plus," which allows both new smokers and experienced aficionados to enjoy the blend. It's a well-rounded, sophisticated cigar, with body and a hearty expression. At Drew Estate, we are known for passion and innovation, and making premium cigars is our “raison d’être” [reason to be]. The Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented premium cigar is truly a showcase of our passion for cigar-making.