Rocky Patel ALR 2nd Edition
In 2016, Rocky blended a cigar featuring an exquisite San Andrés wrapper. Deciding that this blend would develop even further with age, he ordered a short production run of 120,000 cigars. The cigars were laid to rest in an aging room and locked away for two years. Its contents are a mystery but the rest is history.
Rocky Patel Decade
For the Rocky Patel Decade, it’s the perfect blend 10 years in the making. The Decade showcases a rare, gorgeous Sumatran wrapper surrounding a secret blend featuring only the finest tobaccos in the world. The result is nothing short of breathtaking. Complexity, balance, and elegance have earned the Rocky Patel Decade a stellar rating of 95 points – an instant classic.
Rocky Patel Disciple
Crafted from the finest tobacco in Nicaragua, showcasing a signature Mexican San Andrés wrapper, this exquisite composition has come together to create a medium to full-bodied profile filled with smooth notes of wood, earth, and a subtle hint of pepper.
Rocky Patel LB1 Original Factory Code
Rocky Patel LB1 is named from the codes used in the factory during the creation of the cigar. It’s a medium-bodied smoke that’s rolled in Honduras, from a tobacco blend that includes ligero from the Jamastran Valley of Honduras, and a mix of fillers from Condega and Estelí, Nicaragua, grown on Patel’s farms. The wrapper of this beautiful cigar is an Ecuador Habano.
Rocky Patel Sixty
Quality comes with age, and after 60 beautiful years of life, Rocky Patel’s passion for premium cigars has never been more refined. To celebrate his unbridled love for signature cigars, and in honor of this momentous occasion, we’re proud to present… The Rocky Patel Sixty. Aged a minimum of 2 years after rolling at our facdtories in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Rocky Patel The Edge
The Edge remains one of the hottest brands sold within the United States. And the reason is simple: consistency. Impeccable style and a constant, smooth burn have made this cigar a blazing success. Factor in the bargain price point and you’ll understand why this cigar is called The Edge!
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990
The 1990 Vintage is a medium-bodied cigar leaning more toward the milder side. This cigar is highlighted by a 12-year-old Honduran Broadleaf wrapper that has softened in strength over the years, yet gained in complexity and character. Renowned for its elegance and balance, the 92-rated 1990 Vintage has twice been placed in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of the Year.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992
The 1992 Vintage gets its refinement from a 10-year-old Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, balanced by Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. The consistently smooth 1992 Vintage is highly renowned, earning a 91 rating on multiple occasions.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
The 1999 Vintage showcases the oldest Connecticut shade-grown wrapper on the market. This iconic cigar falls into the mild category. Truly one of the finest sticks on the market today; It’s a must have for any humidor.
Rocky Patel Vintage 2003
The 2003 Vintage Cameroon has become the rising star in the Rocky Patel Vintage series. The 2003 Vintage features a beautifully aged Cameroon wrapper with Dominican & Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. The blend delivers a medium-bodied smoking experience — a perfect cigar for any time of the day.
Rocky Patel Vintage 2006
We’ve reinvented Vintage. The Rocky Patel Vintage 2006 San Andreas marks the launch of a new Vintage brand crafted out of Rocky’s boutique Nicaraguan factory. The blend comprises an 11-year-old Mexican wrapper from the prominent San Andrés region, along with Nicaraguan fillers and a Connecticut Broadleaf binder.