Romeo y Julieta 1875
Romeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Dominican binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash, providing a smooth, mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real
Since their introduction in 1875, Romeo y Julieta has remained one of the choicest cigars crafted, and one of the most often requested brands by connoisseurs. The Reserva Real blend is a carefully balanced recipe of Dominican leaf spiced with Nicaraguan leaf finished with a hand-selected blonde Connecticut Shade seed wrapper, grown in the valleys of Ecuador. Slightly mellow in flavor, it is an expertly crafted handmade smoke.
Romeo y Julieta Miniatures
All the goodness found in your favorite Romeo y Julieta cigar but packed into a tin full of tiny cigars for that quick but fulfilling smoke.